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Italy: FKK-Campingplatz in Italien


An Oasis among the hills
 Naturist Camp “Costalunga” welcomes you in a beautiful campsite  laid  over a hill in a wooden area (called “Palo”) close to the town of Sassello (Savona) at 400 metres over the sea level and just at 24 Km. from the beaches. A completely enclosed naturist area of about 14.000 squared metres
Completely sun-dried
50 large parcels for caravan and autocaravans
20 grassy parcels for tents (also big)
Electric power on every place
Long term renting for places at  reasonable  prices
Naturist Association Il Costalunga of Sassello ITALY FKK.

me naturist:
Savona is only some KM from my house but i never been here, in north west italy there are also and .


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