Killing Them Softly - Brad Pitt & Ray Liota

Started by Reeco12, December 06, 2012, 07:29:33 PM

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I went to see this movie last night and i had high hopes for it but i was greatly disappointed with the film. There was some great acting by Brad Pitt but it was wasted on this movie. It moves really slow throughout. They make Ray Liota look like a total wuss and it just wasn't that interesting. I can't believe IMDB gives it a 7 out of 10...
Natural like a Greek Statue!


I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed Killing Them Softly. Granted, it was never going to live up to The Assassination of Jesse James but few films can, honestly. I did feel that James Gandolfini's character was a strange inclusion based purely on his exit; seemed largely unnecessary.

As an allegory for the implicit, cerebral undermining of the "American Dream" as well as economics for that matter, it is very good, if a tad misguided at points. I very much recommend it, but it's not going to be to everyone's tastes.