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Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« on: September 06, 2009, 12:28:42 am »
Heute erfuhr dieser Gemeinde, dass einer unserer Gründer, Martijn aka Merrd; u = 22, wurde mit Schweine-Grippe diagnostiziert und er ist zu Hause in seinem familys, ruhen. Er ist schwach, konnte jedoch kurz kommen heute online. Er hat nicht in der Lage, entweder Nahrung oder Flüssigkeit auf allen heute zu halten. Dennoch ist er ein Athlet und voller Entschlossenheit. Ich kenne viele und viele kennen ihn nicht, vielleicht, aber er, abgesehen davon, einer der Gründer hier läuft der DORM Abschnitt und schloss sich der niederländische Junger Naturisten durch positive Exposition und Bildung in unserem Forum. Ich vermisse ihn. Wir vermissen ihn.

Wir wollten wissen, lassen Sie die Mitgliedschaft, und wenn ja geneigt und Sie eine Minute Zeit, warum nicht fallen ihm eine direkte E-Mail an einen seiner E-Mail-Adresse auf seinem Profil und hallo sagen und wünschen ihm alles Gute. Er ist ein super Mensch, ein liebevoller Mensch und ein leidenschaftlicher Mensch, über sein Bike, seine Schule, seine Freunde und vor allem seiner Familie.

Seine E-Mail ist "private" und Sie können ihn von seinem Posten zu lesen und seinen Blog als gut. Das ist auf seinem Profil.

Er wird als der Lektüre dieses schicke ich es ihm so gut und ich weiß, er wird verlegen, aber nicht fallen ihm eine Zeile, und geben Sie ihm ein paar Karten get well, ok? Lassen Sie ihn wissen hes geliebt, und in unseren Gedanken.

-Danee, im Namen der Mitarbeiter

Today, this community learned that one of our founders, Martijn aka Merrd;u=22, has been diagnosed with Swine Flu and he is home at his familys, resting.  He is weak but managed to come online briefly today.  He has not been able to keep either nourishment, or liquid at all today.  Yet, he is an athlete and full of determination.  I know many know him and many do not, perhaps, but he, besides being one of the founders here, runs the DORM section and joined the Dutch Young Naturists thru positive exposure and education on our forum.  I miss him.  We miss him.

We wanted to let the membership know and if so inclined and you have a minute, why not drop him a direct email to one of his email address's on his profile and say hi and wish him well.  He is a super person, a loving person and a passionate person, about his biking, his school, his friends and most of all, his family. 

His email is "private" and you can read about him from his posts and his blog as well.  That is on his profile.

He will be reading this as I am sending it out to him as well and I know he will be embarrased but do drop him a line, and give him a few get well cards, ok?  Let him know hes loved, and in our thoughts. 

-Danee, on behalf of the Staff
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 06:28:00 pm by MERRD »
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Re: Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 04:22:18 am »
Get well soon!
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Re: Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 06:25:38 am »
A big huge Doc!


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Re: Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 09:24:46 am »
Karla's had it, its a real pain and it takes a while to get over, but she's on her feet again and recovering.

Best tip we can give you: Don't call it swine flu. Call it the piggie sniffles. It doesn't seem so scary that way  :234567

Get well soon!

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Re: Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 09:35:20 am »
Thanks, guys for those notes but I ask again, please go the extra effort by actually emailing him.  It means much more now-a-days to get an email then a pm. 


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Re: Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 05:29:21 pm »
Words cannot express how much I appreciate the attention I go through both this thread and the numerous e-mails. Especially with a contagious illness like the one I'm suffering from at the moment company is something that can really help you trough as the amounts of visits I get is rather limited (don't want to spread the love :P).

To give a brief update on what has been happening. Thursday I went home from practice after I felt dizzy and nauseous.. I thought it had to do with the lack of food, but when my muscles started to hurt and my head joined in as well I had to call a doctor from a hospital nearby, who gave me the great news! A friend from school took me to my parents' place, where they arrived on the friday (it's my dads birthday this week, they wanna do that over here) spoiled over the weekend. And for the first time I can say that I'm feeling a little better :)

Again, so many thanks. I know that although we have no bond like you have with your friends in 'real life' the warmth and the wishes I read in the emails made me smile, and more then that...gave me energy! Thanks guys!

Allways yours,

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"I thought you had a bachelor from Columbia?"
"Yeah, so now I need one from America"


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Re: Martijn (Merrd), illness (German rough translation)
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2009, 08:44:23 pm »
Glad to hear your feeling better Martijn :786