in Germany we've a huge problem: seeing someone naked - excluding obviously places where to be naked officially like showers, nudist beaches,... - is directly connected to sexuality. Seeing girls or women naked is just a much bigger problem. In the last few years we have had a couple of cases, where girls and women had been accussing unguilty men of having them forced to send the nudist pics or of having raped them. From time to time also female students are accussing male professors of having them forced to do some sexual things, especially short before a test or when they not passed a test. And I think also, that a boy or man asking women here in this forum to send him or to publicing pics would be seen as a pervert.
And a nude boy, from which you can see his genitals, would be seen as normal until he reached a certain age, but when reached 10 or eleven more and more it would be seen as a sexual harassment, also if it isn't.
It is normal that families will protect their members and so it has been decided in the last years, not to educate children to nudeness. That is a blame for the european and american way of life, because we established a system of freedom, where everyone can say all what he/she thinks, where many things can be done, also things like BDSM, which can be looking more pervert than a nude boy or a nude girl.