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Re: Tips for expanding your naked comfort zone
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2023, 09:54:11 pm »
I'm not really sure she meant the act of stripping down. It doesn't matter if you undress in front of your friends or walk naked into them on purpose, either way it's a big risk of ending your friendship forever, with most people.
  if people end a friendship over something like that they were never friends in the first place

So I guess I've never had a friend?

No, I strongly disagree with your statement. In a society where nudity is a sexualized taboo, people might get all sorts of ideas and never want to talk to you again. For example, it doesn't matter how good friends you are, if your friend gets the idea that you're a sexual predator, you're no longer friends. You never know what might get in people's heads if you do something as unexpected as purposefully showing yourself naked without a warning. Incidental nudity such as quickly changing clothes is fine, you can always appologize if it causes a negative reaction, and your intention is very clear (to change clothes). But if you leave your clothes in another room and emerge naked, your intention is not clear at all and imagination fills the gaps.

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Re: Tips for expanding your naked comfort zone
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2023, 10:43:59 pm »
I'm not really sure she meant the act of stripping down. It doesn't matter if you undress in front of your friends or walk naked into them on purpose, either way it's a big risk of ending your friendship forever, with most people.
  if people end a friendship over something like that they were never friends in the first place

So I guess I've never had a friend?

No, I strongly disagree with your statement. In a society where nudity is a sexualized taboo, people might get all sorts of ideas and never want to talk to you again. For example, it doesn't matter how good friends you are, if your friend gets the idea that you're a sexual predator, you're no longer friends. You never know what might get in people's heads if you do something as unexpected as purposefully showing yourself naked without a warning. Incidental nudity such as quickly changing clothes is fine, you can always appologize if it causes a negative reaction, and your intention is very clear (to change clothes). But if you leave your clothes in another room and emerge naked, your intention is not clear at all and imagination fills the gaps.
If you have a textile friend and you are seriously considering getting nude in front of them outside of a nude venue, chances are you have already talked about nudity beforehand, they know your motivation and you know their attitude.
Please send me a message on the forum before contacting me over IM. For best results, also mention what you want to talk about, I am not much of a smalltalker.

Offline spongeman

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Re: Tips for expanding your naked comfort zone
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2023, 11:30:16 pm »
I'm not really sure she meant the act of stripping down. It doesn't matter if you undress in front of your friends or walk naked into them on purpose, either way it's a big risk of ending your friendship forever, with most people.
  if people end a friendship over something like that they were never friends in the first place

So I guess I've never had a friend?

No, I strongly disagree with your statement. In a society where nudity is a sexualized taboo, people might get all sorts of ideas and never want to talk to you again. For example, it doesn't matter how good friends you are, if your friend gets the idea that you're a sexual predator, you're no longer friends. You never know what might get in people's heads if you do something as unexpected as purposefully showing yourself naked without a warning. Incidental nudity such as quickly changing clothes is fine, you can always appologize if it causes a negative reaction, and your intention is very clear (to change clothes). But if you leave your clothes in another room and emerge naked, your intention is not clear at all and imagination fills the gaps.
If you have a textile friend and you are seriously considering getting nude in front of them outside of a nude venue, chances are you have already talked about nudity beforehand, they know your motivation and you know their attitude.

Fair enough. I guess I misread what @timnudist meant by "something like that". To clarify my point: you have to know your friend's attitude towards nudity beforehand. But if their attitude is such that they would panic for seeing a naked body, it doesn't mean they're not a real friend. It just means they're not comfortable with nudity, that's all.

Offline lorena1988

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Re: Tips for expanding your naked comfort zone
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2024, 12:19:38 pm »
Naked yoga is a great way to introduce someone to nudism as my friend Ana did for me