I was always embarassed of my body, and just how i looked in general, when I was growing up, especially as a young teenage boy. Kinda funny that even with that, I wished inside my own thoughts even then that I could just be totally naked and everyone see everything about me and my body naked, because I felt like it would make things feel like it was no big deal, and my own internal self-consciousness about my body and how i look would turn into nothing. (I was always kinda thin, that's really the only thing I can think of, looking back, that I felt embarassed about my body.. but it was kinda extreme at times, and caused me quite a bit of anxiety worrying about it). So if I had grown up naked, been able to go right into and through puberty totally naked and seen for who I really am under these clothes, I always wondered, even back then, if that wouldn't have fixed all the self-consciousness I felt as that young teenage boy. Now that I'm grown up and past those days, I wish I would have grown up in a culture where it was totally normal, even expected, for anyone to just be naked any time they want. Being nude really is about the most natural thing there could be, and it's a shame societies have come to think we should be covered up. It caused all kinds of shame that should never exist! But that's just another reason I'm glad sites like this one exists, people who "get it", and here I am now, and feeling awesome just showing myself totally naked and natural! :) That brings another thought.. I've seen posts about making comments about people's body. I agree somewhat, but also feel like we shouldn't even need to feel bad about commenting about that with each other! I mean, like with me, there I am! You see everything! Undeniable. And people comment people's CLOTHES all the time, how "that looks nice on you", and comments like that. Well why not compliment something far more meaningful if you want to, someone's actual body!!?? That means so much more! And if you don't like something about them, well just don't say anything! Just like anything else in life! Ok just my 2 cents worth :P Thanks to everyone on this site for making it the awesome place it is! I hope to learn a lot, and I hope I get to be involved, in time, in real actual naked things with other people! Happy nude'ing, everyong! :)