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Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:16:45 am »
Press release NFN 22 january 2014:
Mass trial Delft touches core rights of Dutch nude recreationists.

Tuesday January 28th will see a unique fact in Dutch history. Then the court in The Hague will look at the 43 fines that have been handed to nudists in the Summer of 2013. 20 nude recreating people did not pay their fines because they think they’ve been fined unjustly in the area where they were at that time. The NFN (Dutch Federation for Nude Recreation) agrees with these people and will support the right for nude recreation in the Delftse Hout (name of area where fines were written).

Rain of fines creates unrest.

In 2013 the city of Delft decided to ban nude recreation in the Delftse Hout and fine people who were there anyway. The ruling was an attempt to reduce harassment in the area (especially in the evening). The daily checks at the nude beach led to large unrest and irritation among the visitors, so many of them stayed away. Some felt so intimidated that they decided to put on some clothes. A large group of nudists refused to to accept the ruling of the city council and let themselves be fined. All those fines are now seen by the judge in one large trial.
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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 04:23:46 am »
My family and I went to Amsterdam this past Xmas break. We went to a spa that was nude. We all had a blast and everyone was super cool and spoke English to us.

It's weird that they were finig people.

Maybe the Dutch can lead the way into a nude revolution!!!

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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 12:15:57 pm »
My family and I went to Amsterdam this past Xmas break. We went to a spa that was nude. We all had a blast and everyone was super cool and spoke English to us.

It's weird that they were finig people.

Maybe the Dutch can lead the way into a nude revolution!!!

Thanks Bobby.  The Dutch certainly DO have a liberal and modern view towards it, and have a wonderful National Organization, with an active youth program and organization as well. (see the INF links section).  This is a case where one area made it not fkk, and people seem to wish to ignore that.

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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 02:25:05 pm »
As a regular visitor of  the area the fines were handed out, I'd thought I give you all an update on the current situation.

The court in The Hague took a closer look at the 46 fines that have been handed to nudists in the Summer of 2013. All but 8 were dismissed as being unlawfully handed by the police. Most of the fines were dismissed because there was no legal ground to hand them out in the first place. A couple of fines were dismissed on technicallities. The people of those eight fines that were admissdable (according to the judge), all applied for an appeal.

You should know that the law in The Netherlands allows nudity anywhere as long as "it is a suitable area". In the past, this meant that a secluded area, which would not be visible from public roads, was often deemed suitable. The municipality of Delft had suddenly declared the little nudist beach 'unsuitable', despite it being a nudist recreation area for more than 3 decades! The judge ruled the formentioned beach to be perfectly suitable for nudist recreation, as long as there are no more than 150 clothed people around.

The defenders, including the NFN, find the ruling impossible and therefore appealed the ruling. Afterall, by allowing this ruling any nudist, anywhere in The Netherlands would then have to make a head count before deciding whether a place is suitable or not, and he/she would have to regularly check again to see if no extra clothed peoples have arrived, otherwise the place has become unsuitable. Mind you, this ruling is only valid for those places that have not been marked as official nudist areas.

No date has been set yet for the appeal. I'll keep you updated should there be more news.

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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 11:51:13 pm »
Hi Sweetski, Thanks for providing a bit of context and background. Good to here that many of the fines were dismissed.


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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2014, 02:26:08 pm »
You're welcome Gorgelover. As always, there's more context and background to the story than most media care to mention. In this particular case many people believe the municipality of Delft is pestering the nudists because it wants to build a new pavillion and houses nearby. Apparently, having nude men and women in your 'backyard' scares off potential buyers. The believers of this theory accuse Delft of using the alledged harrasment by a few (really, only a couple incidents reported in the last eight years), as an excuse to get ridd of the nudist area. IMO that's a bit silly, because it's like saying: "some drivers have been hindered by old folks from the nearby pensioners care home crossing the street, so therefore we pester the old folks and hope they go away".


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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2014, 08:41:54 am »
Good news!!!

July 11 the judge ruled on the appeals, in favor of us nudist/naturists :)

The High Court ruled that the grass beach in a wooded recreation area near Delft, The Netherlands, still is suitable for nude recreation and furthermore, that the dependence of suitability on a so-called 'swimming trunk quota' is unlawful and unpractical to enforce. In plain English this means that the nudists don't have to count the number of clothed recreants before deciding whether a place is suitable or not for nude recreation.

With this ruling, the last remaining 8 fines were dismissed and the people acquitted.

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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2014, 08:52:16 am »
Good news!!!

July 11 the judge ruled on the appeals, in favor of us nudist/naturists :)

The High Court ruled that the grass beach in a wooded recreation area near Delft, The Netherlands, still is suitable for nude recreation and furthermore, that the dependence of suitability on a so-called 'swimming trunk quota' is unlawful and unpractical to enforce. In plain English this means that the nudists don't have to count the number of clothed recreants before deciding whether a place is suitable or not for nude recreation.

With this ruling, the last remaining 8 fines were dismissed and the people acquitted.

Great! If the Dutch were starting to get it wrong, then there really would be no hope for the rest of us.

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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2014, 11:11:00 am »
Good news!!!

July 11 the judge ruled on the appeals, in favor of us nudist/naturists :)

The High Court ruled that the grass beach in a wooded recreation area near Delft, The Netherlands, still is suitable for nude recreation and furthermore, that the dependence of suitability on a so-called 'swimming trunk quota' is unlawful and unpractical to enforce. In plain English this means that the nudists don't have to count the number of clothed recreants before deciding whether a place is suitable or not for nude recreation.

With this ruling, the last remaining 8 fines were dismissed and the people acquitted.
:3456 :543 that's excellent news .
nude is natural


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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2014, 09:29:02 am »
Good news!!!

July 11 the judge ruled on the appeals, in favor of us nudist/naturists :)

The High Court ruled that the grass beach in a wooded recreation area near Delft, The Netherlands, still is suitable for nude recreation and furthermore, that the dependence of suitability on a so-called 'swimming trunk quota' is unlawful and unpractical to enforce. In plain English this means that the nudists don't have to count the number of clothed recreants before deciding whether a place is suitable or not for nude recreation.

With this ruling, the last remaining 8 fines were dismissed and the people acquitted.

Great! If the Dutch were starting to get it wrong, then there really would be no hope for the rest of us.
Let's hope we keep getting it right :)

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Re: Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2014, 04:35:40 pm »
Good news!!!

July 11 the judge ruled on the appeals, in favor of us nudist/naturists :)

The High Court ruled that the grass beach in a wooded recreation area near Delft, The Netherlands, still is suitable for nude recreation and furthermore, that the dependence of suitability on a so-called 'swimming trunk quota' is unlawful and unpractical to enforce. In plain English this means that the nudists don't have to count the number of clothed recreants before deciding whether a place is suitable or not for nude recreation.

With this ruling, the last remaining 8 fines were dismissed and the people acquitted.

Wooo! Naturists: 1. Prudes: 0.