As a regular visitor of the area the fines were handed out, I'd thought I give you all an update on the current situation.
The court in The Hague took a closer look at the 46 fines that have been handed to nudists in the Summer of 2013. All but 8 were dismissed as being unlawfully handed by the police. Most of the fines were dismissed because there was no legal ground to hand them out in the first place. A couple of fines were dismissed on technicallities. The people of those eight fines that were admissdable (according to the judge), all applied for an appeal.
You should know that the law in The Netherlands allows nudity anywhere as long as "it is a suitable area". In the past, this meant that a secluded area, which would not be visible from public roads, was often deemed suitable. The municipality of Delft had suddenly declared the little nudist beach 'unsuitable', despite it being a nudist recreation area for more than 3 decades! The judge ruled the formentioned beach to be perfectly suitable for nudist recreation, as long as there are no more than 150 clothed people around.
The defenders, including the NFN, find the ruling impossible and therefore appealed the ruling. Afterall, by allowing this ruling any nudist, anywhere in The Netherlands would then have to make a head count before deciding whether a place is suitable or not, and he/she would have to regularly check again to see if no extra clothed peoples have arrived, otherwise the place has become unsuitable. Mind you, this ruling is only valid for those places that have not been marked as official nudist areas.
No date has been set yet for the appeal. I'll keep you updated should there be more news.