I recently found a site that is an archive of hundreds of vintage naturist photographs:
http://backtoeden.tumblr.com/archiveHere's what the site owner says about the content:
The images posted on this blog were sent to me after I advertised for vintage naturist photographs for a project I was working on. The anonymous collector made no claims to be the copyright owner but asked if I could make them freely available. Most of the images appear to be scanned from issues of Helios magazine published in the 50’s and 60’s in Germany as well as some from unidentified American magazines.
As of today, the site is still being maintained, with new photographs added every few days and weeks.

It would be neat to move all of these photos into IYNO's "The Classics!" image gallery for safekeeping. This gallery is a great exhibition of naturism's positive and happy heritage. It is important for us to preserve that heritage!