Incase some of you have wondered why me and Chrisw91 haven't been so active is because on Friday 29th August at 11:45am, our son Logan Xavier was born, weighing 5lb03oz. He was born 5 weeks early and was born with respiratory problems. This hasn't phased him as he has made so so much progress over the weekend and is getting stronger every day! He is taking full feeds atm through a tube and is tolerating them well!
Me and Chris have both been able to change him and have cuddles and he loves them!
We haven't been given a date on when he can come home but once he starts feeding from me or from bottle, that will be a big step to coming home. Right now he just has to get strong and keep taking these feeds :)
So as u can imagine, activity won't be great from us both, but we'll be checking in now and again
Kayla x