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Naked in touristic places

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I must say that I have mixed feelings about this.... on one hand I see the point of getting naked in gorgeous natural reserves, but I'm not sure I see the point (from a naturist point of view) to get naked in crowded tourist areas such as the pyramids or angkor wat. Also there is question of respect... even if you don't embrace other people's belief, temples, churches and other "sacred" buildings shouldn't attract our respect?

What's your take on that?

It should be about respecting the customs of the land in which you are traveling.

Have you heard about "nutscaping"?  :confused

@arno84  Learned something new today as I googled the term. Can't say that I am a fan.

I think it should be aloud, when going to a tourist location you must be ready to see/be near examples of other cultures or ideas, but as always it must be done safely and legally


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