Nude Beaches – The Ultimate Guide

Started by Danee, October 25, 2015, 01:36:27 PM

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Nude beaches differ from other general entertainment and personal recreation spots in that they allow anyone the freedom to go naked whenever they deem it fit. There are rules of course, but these are essentially meant to ensure the comfort and optimal enjoyment of the users. Over the years, nude beaches have become acceptable and legal in the face of the public and the authorities and are even protected by the powers that be. In addition to that, people have slowly become open to the idea of swimming, walking and frolicking around in the nude, something you might be quite familiar with. If you enjoy the natural freedom of going all out naked, then nude beaches are the perfect place to start.
Reasons To Visit A Nude Beach Reasons To Visit A Nude Beach Think about it. History points to the fact that up until 72,000 years ago, we all walked around naked. Humans were comfortable in their skin and did not feel the need to cover up. As a result, they had no inhibitions and found nudism comfortable. This essentially means that there is something just amazing about being just you. Nude beaches give you a sense of freedom you have never enjoyed before. They allow you to be one with nature, and to sample the weather without holding back.
Those who are new to the idea will find the experience in a nude beach quite a bit of a revelation. Of course, there is the initial hesitation, but that is easy to get over. You realize that the human nature deserves to be celebrated and loved, and there is really no better way of doing this apart from just letting go of all reservations. There are career naturists out there, and over time, they have realized that there is something quite liberating in being able to appreciate themselves.
Finding The Closest Nude Beach Finding The Closest Nude Beach Nude beaches are now a favorite for nudists around the world, so finding one won't be a problem. You can start your search by exploring the existing recreation spots at your area. Seek to know the experience they offer and pay attention to specific details such as location and general rules.
The internet is also a great place to look up your options. There are numerous nude beach finders online, so you might want to look out for the ones that show an acceptable level of authenticity. Online directories, blogs and websites about naturism also contain lots of useful information about nude beaches and can help you find what you are looking for. Be very keen on details regarding the nature and specificity of the places that come up. If possible, try to make contact to obtain first-hand information.
If you are on vacation apart from searching the internet try asking the locals. No one knows better. This way you may end up enjoying your swim naked at secret paradises you wouldn't find otherwise.
Types Of Nude Beaches Types Of Nude Beaches

  • Compulsory nude beaches
In these places, nudity is a standard rule. There are no options, so you must be willing to go completely naked. This rule is put in place to ensure that people enjoy the company of each other in a uniform setup. However, there is a certain degree of flexibility. For example, you are allowed to dress up if the weather does not allow you to be naked, or if your state of health prohibits over-exposure to the elements.

  • Clothing optional or non-mandatory nude beaches
This type of beaches allows you to undress if you are comfortable with it or stay covered if that's how you want to be. The prevailing environment will however routinely encourage you to discover the freedom of going nude. You will find that a lot of your fellow nudists will have nothing on, which is highly encouraging especially if you are venturing out for the very first time.

  • Official nude beaches
Official nude beaches usually belong to naturist resorts, hotels or clubs and are usually run by them. Unfortunately, there are only a few official nude beaches in comparison to the unofficial ones. At most of them being in the nude is compulsory.

  • Unofficial nude beaches
Unofficial nude beaches are usually beaches or parts of beaches that have been used by nudists for a long time and have become "official". All unofficial nude beaches are clothing optional and there is always the danger of someone provoking you or calling the authorities if your behavior is indecent. Unwritten Rules For Nude Beaches
Unwritten Rules For Nude Beaches

  • Do not stare
Everyone goes out there to have fun, and they are not interested in ogling others. They want to be one with nature, and they cannot achieve that if they have someone looking up and down. It is okay to take a casual look at your fellow nudists, but leering is considered rude and insulting. If you want to have a conversation with those around you, maintain eye conduct and be nonchalant. The same privilege applies to you. Nobody has to ogle you or make you feel uncomfortable for one reason or the other.

  • Be friendly
You are going to be up-close with tens of people in a very private setting. To avoid awkward moments, talk to others and keep it polite all the time. Avoid getting too friendly as such a gesture might get misinterpreted. At the same time, you need to know the subjects to bring up in a conversation. For example, your doctoral thesis should not come up in a discussion at a nude beach. The mood is supposed to be light, and people are supposed to just have uninhibited fun without overworking their minds.

  • Do not record or take photos of other naturists
Most nude beaches allow people to bring over cameras and other recording equipment. It is perfectly okay for you to take nude pictures of yourself or your friends. However, you have to respect the privacy of others and avoid making them uncomfortable. Ensure that you photograph or record yourself and your group only. If there are other people within the frame, you can politely request them to move over to give you a clear, personal shot. If you are interested in taking pictures of your fellow enthusiasts for posterity, walk over to them and ask for their express permission. You will be surprised to find how easy it is to get that done.

  • Avoid physical contact
Greetings are perfectly okay, but there are certain degrees of interaction allowed when you are dealing with complete strangers. If you are invited for a hug or a group photo, then it is up to you to decide if you want that or not. Do not touch any of your fellow nudists without a direct invitation because again, this gesture could be misinterpreted.

  • Stick around people you are comfortable with
If you have a bunch of friends around you, walk around with them. This act serves to offer you a sense of camaraderie and keeps you off strangers. Should you go alone, it is nice to walk around and enjoy the scenes from a distance. Do not invite yourself into close-knit groups. Wait for an invitation or ask if it is okay for you to enter the fold. Always remember to keep it really polite and friendly because these attributes help you get around with minimum fuss.
Tips When Visiting A Nude Beach Tips When Visiting A Nude Beach Now, you are going to be naked all the time, which exposes you to the elements, you have to take some measures to stay comfortable and protected.

  • Carry a towel
Suffice to say that there are some parts of your body that you don't want to expose to the wrath of the sand or pebbles. If you are going to sit or lay down, wrap a towel around yourself or just lie on it. A towel must also be used if you are willing to lie on a sunbed as it would protect you against undesirable contacts.

  • Get some sunscreen
The weather is going to be very unforgiving most of the time, so ensure that you apply a little of your favorite sunscreen on your skin and especially on the body parts that are usually "protected" from the sun. This way, you stay protected from sun burns and carcinogenic rays. Remember not to overdo it. You do not want your body sticking out for miles, you just want to fit right in and enjoy life out in the open.

  • Take your swimming suit with you
This is not really a must, but you always have to think ahead. You may like walking around and relaxing without a stitch on, but the experience with the water has a very different feel for each one of us. Also, as most of the beaches are separated to nudist and non-nudist you may need to walk a little, until the nudist part, with a swimsuit on.

  • Stay well-groomed
Nude beaches are all about you being you, so it is difficult to lay down rules on whether you should get rid of body hair or not. One thing is for sure; you do not want to attract the wrong kind of attention so keeping it all well-groomed is better.

  • Cover up when necessary
You may be in a nude beach, but there are times and areas that require a sense of decency. If you happen to be around dining areas, bathrooms and exit points, you will need to cover up. Some nudists find this rule a bit off, but it it's important to do things that do not make others uncomfortable.

Nude beaches are a craze around the world right now. They provide an outlet for you to have fun in the nude, whether your body is flawless or not and regardless of whether you are surrounded by ten or a thousand others. Vritomartis is one of the best naturist hotels around, and it gets better, the hotel has its very own nude beach, Filaki. Here, you are always assured of top-notch services and an out-of-the world experience. Do not worry about privacy because the beach is in an isolated area where guests can have a quiet time away from the world. At Filaki, you have that one chance you have always been looking for, the chance to stroll uninhibited under the Cretan sun.We are waiting for you!
Top-free Equality. Its a right, not a privilege!

Wombling Wurzel

Good article as always Danee. 

My only beef with it is about ''stay well-groomed'' I know it did not say that you should remove body hair but  Yes I'm one of those who says look everybody has body hair if you want to keep it keep it if not don't.  As a community we should not say that to be a naturist you have to remove unsightly body hair. To make more hoops for people to jump through just puts people off and think that at the end of the day because others are focussing so much on the body hair issue then they must have wandering eyes.  But one thing is for certain if the communities on beaches and such did put up a hoop like that I would never attend a beach.


Quote from: Wombling Wurzel on October 25, 2015, 03:19:07 PM
Good article as always Danee. 

My only beef with it is about ''stay well-groomed'' I know it did not say that you should remove body hair but  Yes I'm one of those who says look everybody has body hair if you want to keep it keep it if not don't.  As a community we should not say that to be a naturist you have to remove unsightly body hair. To make more hoops for people to jump through just puts people off and think that at the end of the day because others are focussing so much on the body hair issue then they must have wandering eyes.  But one thing is for certain if the communities on beaches and such did put up a hoop like that I would never attend a beach.

I caught that as well. I was going to delete that part, but decided to keep it in.  I totally agree with ya.
Top-free Equality. Its a right, not a privilege!


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Love to get to know yall


Hanging out with everything out


As a person who have only attended nude beaches as a naturist, this is a great guide.
Make every second count.


A resort that actually has a blog, quite a nice rarity these days. I think it has a private beach as well. Interesting find indeed!
Always seek Truth, dont let anything stop you.