FKK – Museum

Started by NudieDaniel, December 13, 2015, 02:36:21 AM

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Just as there are museums worldwide of the most varied and diverse topics that you can imagine, I have always missed a museum that is related to naturism nudism, I do not know if physically is there any somewhere in the world ? But at least if there is a virtual one on the internet, under the name of "FKK - Museum" contains a wealth of information online related to nudism, naturism and nude art.

"Welcome to my little online museum of nudism" this is the invitation with which Michael Otto, the creator of this website encouraged us to visit his virtual museum that presents this way:

A naked body does not really excite anyone today. We see naked people every day practically everywhere. In advertisements, in movies, in lakes. This list could go on expanding to where we want. But until this acceptance came, we had to go a very long, wide and uncomfortable way. A pioneer of nudism (free body culture) can never thank you enough. Thanks, among other things, because despite all the adverse conditions, never gave up and always contiuaron fighting for their goals. Your success is our freedom today.

"Libertatem quam peperere maiores deign studeat servare posteritas" This Latin phrase is on the main entrance of the City of Hamburg and means: The freedom that our parents got, is preserved with dignity by his later. Looking back is always worthwhile. But we must never forget to look also to the future and we must take much of the past with us.

With over 40 sections or "galleries" this virtual museum contains every conceivable topic on our collective history of naturism and nudism, magazines, books, guidebooks, catalogs, advertisements, brochures, calendars, films, brands, identification cards , games, cards, music, music videos, album covers, curios, photographs, jewelry, coinage and coins, badges, key rings, bags, logos associations, libraries, television advertisements, banners and pennants, pictures, clocks, family movies , paintings, bookplates, sculptures, etc.

An interesting collection of the most diverse materials, which can be visited without schedules but without haste, because there are so many content is guaranteed that can not be seen in one day, although he devoted several hours a day. A laborious and patient work of collecting, extended in time, and the result is this virtual museum we can all visit.

Original article in Spanish:

The site itself in German:
I'm everywhere and nowhere



I found this site to be quite useful

I've been in contact with Micheal Otto it's creator many times about various things
I'm everywhere and nowhere


This is a very informative site. And an important piece of history.

Mr S

Does anyone know about some link in spanish of this place more recent? I just got so interested only for reading this great preview!
Today is always THE day


This is a really cool site! I confirmed that it's been archived by the Wayback Machine (since 2003!), so the resource should stick around!


That's the first fkk site I found online, and I learnd the word 'naturism' from there.


Looks interesting, I always like to see photos from the past, no mattter if they are nudist, this is just plus


Fascinating. I'll look into this more at later dates.
I cast destroy pants at third level.


I think this site is very informative! It's mind boggling to me how popular nudism was less than 50 years ago. Hopefully, as society becomes more open, we can return to this. I've only been living in Germany for a short time, but I can see how open young people are at my university. Much different from where I lived before in Houston!


Quote from: Gaberone on September 29, 2021, 01:10:14 PM
I think this site is very informative! It's mind boggling to me how popular nudism was less than 50 years ago. Hopefully, as society becomes more open, we can return to this. I've only been living in Germany for a short time, but I can see how open young people are at my university. Much different from where I lived before in Houston!

Are there any signs of it becoming less acceptable over there? I keep hearing differing stories. Unfortunately here we're in dire straits with protests forcing swims to either close or ban families with children.



A very interesting site indeed! I have visited it several times.