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Naturist Travel (or clothing optional), so very, very cool!
The Retreat
Why this retreat?
Because we want you to be free. But not just for the sake of liberation. We know that your creative potential grows exponentially when you tap into your true self. That the energy that is freed when you no longer need to protect yourself from something that does not exist (aka Mr. F.E.A.R. - false evidence appearing real) will quite naturally pour itself into the vessel of gifted service - to yourself and others.
NAKED- The Retreat is not just another retreat. It’s a playground. It’s the soil where we cultivate the seeds of our grand vision: (small print: drumroll)
Naked - A community, a tsunami of courageous people daring to be great. The emergence of a new human being, a growing tribe of liberated minds who risk to express themselves in their entirety. Unchained brave hearts who blaze with passion to combat all the lies we are caught up in, with their sharp ears, eyes and most of all: their skywide open and loving arms. A gathering of abundant pioneers living on the laws of giving.
We want people to grow up, mature enough to realise that all their drama and pain is self created and not only preventing their own potential from flowering, but is also keeping humanity from the fast track to expansion. We are highly aware of the dysfunction humanity experiences due to lack of self love and awareness.
The more people are empowered to be, express, love and feel what they truly are, the more humanity can surf the huge wave of creative potential to solve the problems we have generated ourselves. And, to be honest, we really need that. The greatest threat to humanity is the belief that someone else will save us. It is about time we realize our universal duty lies within our individual responsibilty. The purpose of life is to express our gifts! And this is where our part of the reLOVEution comes in:
NAKED - The retreat is a gift it forward co-creation.
This means that the experience is gifted from ourselves and the people who, having completed the retreat and experienced the benefits of Naked, wished to give others the opportunity to benefit also.
We call this: Gift it forward
Where is this retreat? It looks fun!
--- Quote from: eta on December 28, 2015, 03:46:32 pm ---Where is this retreat? It looks fun!
--- End quote ---
Hey Eric. If you click on that link at the bottom, it will take you to the most awesome website. They have another trip planned for February. Look over the site and see the testimonials, the stories, etc. Such a cool thing! I hope some of them come join our village here! Its a perfect match.
--- Quote from: eta on December 28, 2015, 03:46:32 pm ---Where is this retreat? It looks fun!
--- End quote ---
They do trips to various locations. You can see the info on the site.
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