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Back to our southern hemisphere tour – Brazil Part One (Tambaba Beach)  January 7, 2016 by SL Naturist Staff       Between Christmas, New Year, the usual detours on the journey, we never got on much with our southern hemisphere tour (which was actually in the northern hemisphere anyway). Let’s begin to put that to rights and pick up with Brazilian correspondent Natalia, before we zoom over to the Antipodes, then South Africa and maybe a few points in between.
We can’t go much further without mentioning the Brazilian Wax, which (along with the porn industry, desperate for ‘more detail’) started the current trend for pubic depilation.
Smaller and smaller bikinis, as seen on the beaches of Rio, such as the Copacabana, led to a need for waxing so that stray pubic hair didn’t make itself visible in these bikinis, and a multi-million dollar industry was born.
I’ll also say here and now that I have no real personal preference in this regard, happily moving between a grow-it-all-out rainforest -a regular Amazonian undergrowth- and full deforestation (since we’re in Brazil, let’s utilise terms sometimes associated with Brazil ;) )  All or nothing. I don’t really mess around with ‘styling’. It depends on mood, forthcoming holidays, season.

One of the most famous naturist beaches in Brazil is Tambaba, which like some beaches in France is insistent on nudity to maintain a naturist purity.

Natalia has provided us with several photos which she can positively identify as Tambaba. ‘It is the only naturist beach I have used’, she admits. ‘From the scenery I can say that these are all of Tambaba. One thing you will notice is that the women do not fully shave but do adopt ‘the Brazilian’ style, some pubic hairs are left in most cases and this is how I wear my public hairs too. I do not know why Brazilian women do not fully shave. Of course this is not 100% fact. Some women do shave, but the fashion is more to leave something left on.’

Natalia identifies this photo as ‘important’ in understanding the culture of Tambaba.
‘People must undress before entering the beach. In English, like a cloakroom. Take a handbag, or a towel maybe, but no swimwear or clothes are allowed to accompany you on the beach.
In this way, we can be sure all on Tambaba are naturist, not voyeurs.’

Trine (with the assistance of Natalia).
Over the weekend, we explore another of Brazil’s best known naturist beaches, Praia de Pinho, and talk to Natalia about naturist culture in her native country.

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