General Talk (primarily non-naturist) > The Sports Bar!




how do you Poker?

I'm playing very happy times with friends a round of poker (online) or look at the World Series and other programs.

strip poker? would be fun, but not so much online....

I enjoy a bit of Pokerstars online, but that's only fun as it's all pretend money.....

Strip Poker would be fun :786. On the hockey tour I was on, we played poker long into the night either betting on loads of Maom's we bought or either millions of matchsticks! Good times :4345

i enjoy a good game of poker. play online now and then but only for fun.
my friends and i have a poker night every 3 or so months, the stakes always get bigger the more drink we have. lol.

strip poker is always fun
 :Butt Shake:


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