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Nude walk to be part of SA festival
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:05:37 pm »
The Garden Route Walking Festival is set to be hosted towards the end of next month - with a nude walk planned along with some of the festivities.
The festival is the first of its kind for South Africa and will be held from March 25 to March 29, Easter Weekend.
Participation is free, however you will be required to register.
A total of 52 walks will be held between George, Knysna, Plett, Natures Valley and Storms River, to allow participants to enjoy the beauty of the Garden Route.
It will cater for all fitness levels - and even different lifestyles.
The Naked Walk in Nature for example will allow participants to walk au naturel.
"For the adventurous spirited a barefoot and clothes-free walk through the forest and down to a secret swimming spot on a magic river," the festival programme says.
Other walks include the Walk with Poetry and the Yoga Walk.
There are more traditional walks as well for hikers and evne those just wanting to take a leisurely stroll.
Local walk leaders will be leading the events.
"Walking is one of the best ways to appreciate and discover the incredible natural beauty that makes the Garden Route a much loved destination. Join us for fun time out in nature, meet new friends and discover hidden gems off the beaten track," festival founder Galeo Saintz said.
Find out more about the festival here.
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Offline funnytannednudist

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Re: Nude walk to be part of SA festival
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 06:24:43 am »
Thanks Danee for sharing, so nice to hear that South Africa is eventually having naked events.After reading the article im sad to say that i am unable to attend this event because its to far away from were i live and i wont be able to get leave from work. i would love to have attended but will keep the dates and hopefully make a holiday next year and go take part in the event.