It is a hard question to answer honestly. People change and with that change in personality comes change in preferences to literature. I have read modern authors like Stephen King, James Patterson, Ken Follett and Harlan Coben at different times in my life as well as the "classics", and everything else i was forced to read in University.
Without trying to sound like a dick or an uncool "sell-out" i will say that most people that says that their favorite author is Machiavelli, Asimov, Dostoevsky or any author like that comes across as sounding like a pretentious hipster. Reading is about enjoyment and I have met very few people that enjoyed the "classics". It has always been my belief that something gets lost in the translation.
I am not trying to run anyone down or cause problems. I am just trying to state that it is okay to read "fluff" and enjoy it. Rowling, King, Patterson, C.S. Lewis and Stephanie Meyer all wrote entertaining books and most people read to be entertained not to "look cool".