Naturist Resources > North America

Hiking Naked in Pennsylvania: What Are the Nudity Laws In PA?


I stay with friends in PA sometimes, and was wondering what the nudity laws are for the state and if they're relaxed enough to allow nude hiking in certain areas, and if so, where?

Thanks in advance. :)

Man, that's a good question, but this would also depend on where in Pennsylvania as there are sometimes local ordinances that can bite you in the aaa


--- Quote from: crasher35 on December 15, 2017, 01:23:47 pm ---Man, that's a good question, but this would also depend on where in Pennsylvania as there are sometimes local ordinances that can bite you in the aaa

--- End quote ---

Susquehanna river area, like Williamsport. There's a nude club, but it's 1.5 hours away's a club. I'm looking for outdoors walking/hiking more or less.

@Merritt85 i think if you found a secluded spot in your area, you would be fine. I've gone hiking in nature preservations where i knew noone would be around. If you're out in the middle of the woods and someone sees you, i don't think that a reasonable person call the authorities.

In Pennsylvania, it is against the law to commit indecent exposure. Indecent exposure occurs if a person exposes his or her genitals in any public place or in any place where other people are present in circumstances that he or she knows or should know that the exposure will likely offend or alarm others.

Indecent exposure generally includes exposing one's private parts (genitals) in public, but can also include situations where someone is in their own home but exposing themselves to others. Having consensual sexual intercourse in a public place may result in indecent exposure charges, specifically if genitals are clearly exposed, but it most likely would be charged as "open lewdness."

One commits an act of open lewdness (a third-degree misdemeanor) if "he does any lewd act which he knows is likely to be observed by others who would be affronted or alarmed."

While there has been some controversy over the public exposure of female breasts, this is generally not considered indecent -- mothers who breastfeed their children, for example, are free to do so in public. Additionally, exposing one's underwear is not considered an indecent act


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