Happy Christmas, Season Greetings to all members

Started by NudieDaniel, December 21, 2017, 09:55:50 PM

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On the longest/shortest day I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy nude year and hope to see you all back into 2018 no matter how you enjoy the holidays assuming you have one

This place is nothing without you
I'm everywhere and nowhere


Happy Holidays to you too! Hope everyone has a wonderful time as we move into the new year!



"Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed." William Blake.


From the Kingdom of Sweden I send my best wishes to all of you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Nude Year!

I hope all of you will have some relaxing time during the holidays and experience at least some Christmas magic.

The human body is a beutiful gift and a treasure more valuable than any gold in the world.


peter s

marry chrismas and i hope that the weather is beter for a new nude year :indeed


I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.  :smiley:
"If war is the answer, then we ask the wrong questions."
(Wenn Krieg die Antwort ist, dann stellen wir die falschen Fragen)

Susan G. Komen


Merry Christmas  and  Happy Nude Year.

Hope  Everyone  is  having  a  Good day, 
