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Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:00:47 pm »
Administrator's Comment:
To recognise Brandon's great effort on this, this topic has been moved here to help any Naturists who are looking for Nude Beaches in the US. Well done Brandon! :2345

Official and Unofficial Clothing Optional Beaches in the United States

Here is my list of beaches (and a few hot springs and swimming holes) where nudity is practiced in the United States. That is not to say it is guaranteed to be legal.  Please see the warning below.  Circumstances and enforcement change over time, so please be careful!

The list below has been compiled from various internet sources. It excludes locations that are rarely used by naturists, or are very difficult to access.  

I have not included resorts, because there are lots of lists of naturist resorts available on the internet.

It would be great if those of you in other countries wish to compile lists of your beaches.  If you do so, I suggest you start a new topic. It will minimize confusion if replies to this topic are limited to additions, corrections and comments on US beaches.  (It will just be more organized that way.)

Warning:  before visiting any of these beaches, do your research on the internet.  In most cases nudity is possible only in very specific areas at these locations. Find and print the specific directions. Although some naturists have used these beaches, it is not legal in all cases. Enforcement varies, and fines can be in the hundreds of dollars.


Humboldt County
Baker's Beach
College Cove

Marin County
Limantour Beach - An isolated beach at the Point Reyes National Seashore
Muir Beach
RCA Beach
Red Rock Beach - very popular, but hard to find (read Ace's report)
Rodeo Beach - Swimming is not advised
Sculptured Beach - Reachable only at low tide

Mendocino County
Lilies Beach - beware of poison oak

Monterey County
North Marina Beach/Fort Ord Dunes- Swimming not recommended.
Pfeiffer Beach - This beach is on federal property. (Not the state beach)

San Diego County
Black's Beach - San Diego

San Francisco County
Baker Beach - popular
Lands End - no sand, mostly gay

San Luis Obispo County
Guadalupe Dunes, Southwest of Pismo Beach - pristine and deserted
Hearst Beach - very few visitors
Pirate's Cove (Avila Beach) - "One of the most beautiful nude beach settings "

San Mateo County
Grey Whale Cove State Park aka Devil's Slide near Pacifica - Beautiful, clean
San Gregorio Beach - Privately owned, popular

Santa Cruz County
"2222" - unofficial, across from 2222 West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz
Bonny Doon Beach - Swimming is not advised, Leave before dark
Davenport Cove - difficult to access
Laguna Creek Beach
Scott Creek Beach
Panther Beach/Hole in the Wall - rock formations... "natural beauty ... without equal."
Manresa Beach
and several others that are less popular

Sierra County
Sierra Hot Springs - Sierraville

Please check these links for detailed descriptions and directions:  (Western Association For Naturist Recreation)

Valley View Hot Springs on the Orient Land Trust. map (NOT to scale) This sounds like an amazing place.


Haulover Beach - just north of Miami
Apollo Beach - Canaveral National Seashore
Playalinda - Canaveral National Seashore (make sure you are in the correct area)
South Beach non-sanctioned  topless beach  Miami Beach This is a topless beach and not a nude beach, do not drop your shorts here!!
Key West - One hotel has a topless stretch of beach, but not full nudity
Hobe Sound non-sanctioned, caution advised
Jupiter Island, Martin County
Blind Creek Beach non-sanctioned nude beach, caution advised
Hutchinson Island, Martin County
St. Lucie Inlet non-sanctioned nude beach, caution advised
St. Lucie State Reserve, Palm Beach County

Detailed information:

Hawaii - technically not legal however the Hawaii Supreme Court has apparently thrown out some prosecutions

Red Sand Beach - Hana, Maui
Little Makena Beach - Maui
Rock Quarry Beach - Kauai
Kehena Beach - Big Island of Hawaii (see post below)

Indiana Dunes

Lake Wood, at the north end of coastal Acadia National Park (a very beautiful park, judging by the 60 cent stamp featuring it)

Maryland - technically not legal, so please be careful

(many of these are infrequently used by naturists)
Worton Beach north side of mouth of Worton Creek in upper Chesapeake Bay
Button Beach eastern side of Chesapeake Bay
Moss Pond
Goose Pond
Veazy Cove on Bohemia River southern shore
Knight Island (actually peninsula) on Sassafras River - automobile access
Rigby Island

Assateague Island National Seashore - warns that naturists on can be ticketed $250 under Maryland law, which National Park Service Rangers enforce at their discretion.


Cummington - private, exceptionally clean nude beach on the Westfield River, western Massachusetts
Gay Head Beach (not gay - that's just a name)
Herring Cove Beach, National Seashore Beaches (gay) near Provincetown- 20 minute walk from the textile area.       Nudity is illegal... cover up if a ranger approaches
Spaghetti Strip, Provincetown - legal nude beach
Miacomet Beach, Nantucket
South Cape Beach Park, Cape Cod - Lifeguards sometimes reprimand nudists. Skinnydippers put their suits back on when retreating from the water.
Truro Beach - Endless white sand beach


Nordhouse Dunes, Manistee National Forest
Bronsons Beach, Muskegon, MI (check first to see if nudity is still accepted)


Lake Mead Clothing-Optional Beach, Las Vegas.   warning: random $250 federal citations issued

Lake Tahoe (northeastern shore):
Paradise Cove (Secret Cove) - very beautiful
Secret Harbor - "generally all-nude" (adjacent to Boater's Beach, which is textile)
Secret Harbor Creek Beach - popular "generally all-nude"
Very limited parking near these beaches, costly fines for illegal parking (Park a few miles away and bike?) see:  parking information

New Jersey
Gunnison Beach, Sandy Hook, NJ

New York

Fire Island - Lighthouse Beach
Fire Island - Kismet  "Lighthouse Beach East"
Fire Island - Cherry Grove
Fire Island - The Pines (primarily gay)
Chautauqua Creek - Westfield, New York (swimming, not a beach)
Potter's Falls (a.k.a. Six Mile Creek Gorge) - Ithaca, New York (swimming, not a beach)
Split Rock Hole - New Paltz, New York:  C/O swimming hole is 10 minutes from main one.  (swimming, not a beach)
Upper Kaaterskill Falls - Tannersville, New York (swimming, not a beach, hazardous rocks) - occasional nude use "depending on who shows up first"

Collins Beach (Sauvie Island)
Rooster Rock State Park
Bagby Hot Springs - Located deep within an old growth forest. Nudity is permitted in the tub areas only. Trailhead parking permit required.


Hippie Hollow Lake Travis, Austin (Note: This is the only official, legal, public C/O beach in Texas. $10 admission, beautiful scenery, limestone beach -- no sand, must be 18+ )

Barton Creek Greenbelt (topless rather than nude, not a legal nude beach; creek is seasonal - dry in summer)
Pace Bend Park / Gracy Cove (not a legal nude beach, so use at own risk)

South Padre Island (a particular section only -- bring your GPS!) 4x4 strongly recommended! Don't mind the D.E.A. officers.

Boquillas Hot Springs inside Big Bend National Park
Though there is an official 'no nudity' policy, one website reports that nudity is quite common at Boquillas after nightfall.

Chinati Hot Springs, Ruidosa, Texas
Make sure you have a full tank of fuel!

Vermont includes a number of clothing optional swimming holes

Mazo Beach, on the Wisconsin River in the Mazomanie State Wildlife Refuge
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 11:51:42 pm by brandon »
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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 02:45:05 am »
Thanks for list.

I might like to add another beach.  This is not mentioned really in any books, and hardly mentioned on web.  The beach is in City of Santa Cruz, just north of the Lighthouse.  Beach is called 2222, its in reference to street address 2222 West Cliff Drive.  Its probably one of the most public beaches but few know of it. Its small, but same time very beautiful.  On average you might get 10 to 15 people there, with wide range of sexes and ages.  Its kinda of like a local place.  I thought I mention this.  Two things need to be advised, to get to yo walk down cliff down little trail and some broken concrete.  Secondly, during high tide there isnt much of beach, so important to know the tides.  To get there the beach is a few blocks south of Natural Bridges State Park beach and about 2.5 miles north of the Santa Cruz Boardwalk.  If you see a Triangle Scuplture, thats it.  There is small parking lot above beach.


PS Bonny Doon Beach is great place for swimming, sure water is bit cold, but thats true for any beaches this far up north in california.  
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 03:02:48 am by genxnaturist »

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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 04:06:47 am »
Regarding Bonny Doon Beach, one website mentions burglaries from parked cars as a problem. But otherwise, it is described as being a clean beach and friendly place during the day.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again.  -Thomas Paine


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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 04:08:49 am »
it is very beautiful. I was there over holidays temps were 65 so I was able to go nude. I also did a photoshoot there.  Yes as far as night that is somewhat true.  Parking lot is right next to highway one, so its not hard for someone to drive by stop for minute take look, break in and take whatever.  thats why you shouldnt have anything valuable.

Anycase during day time its great. i recommend going there.


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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2010, 04:33:54 am »
Gotta love the lack of a Oklahoma beach....there is a great deal of coastline from all of the lakes here, someone needs to step up.  :Butt Shake:

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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2010, 08:39:26 am »
Just a reminder: Always do an internet search to get the latest information and accurate directions before setting off to visit these places!

Here is some additional information on the Colorado listing, which sounds like a naturist's dream come true:

Valley View Hot Springs is on the Orient Land Trust which is a nonprofit Colorado land trust.

Features of the lands protected by Orient Land Trust include a large bat colony, hot springs, alternative energy use, high altitude dark skies for astronomy, exposed active geological fault, limestone caves, numerous trails into a wilderness area, historic buildings, town sites at an abandoned iron mine and a working ranch.

Visitors to Orient Land Trust experience these features in a naturist (clothing-optional) setting and may camp or stay in rustic lodging.

Please note that reservations are strongly advised for weekends May through October. Admittance is limited by quotas. Reservations are strongly suggested for all overnight accommodations year-round.

map (NOT to scale)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 11:43:19 pm by brandon »
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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2010, 03:45:07 pm »
You can download here

a .kmz-file for Google-Earth with (almost) all nude bathing places in Europe.
Is ther such a file for the USA?
If not, it would make sense to enter these places in the USA to this list, too?

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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2010, 03:21:06 am »
I found an additional list of possible naturist locations, which might include some places not on the list above:
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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2011, 11:49:19 pm »
Kehena Beach, also known as Dolphin Beach, is a black sand beach on the Hilo side of the Big Island of Hawaii. Yes, there are dolphins there!

Excellent video, thought the music sounds more reggae than Hawaiian:

You have to hike down a very short but somewhat rugged cliff path to get to this small, clothing-optional black sand beach. Local residents spend a lot of time here and there are drum circles on Sundays. Wild dolphins frequent this area and you can swim with them!

CAUTION: Swimming can be hazardous due to high waves and a severe undertow. Also, there is a remote risk of lava flows in the area. Land in the area was created by a lava flow in 1955. A lava flow in the 1990s destroyed the main road. Lava rock can be very sharp. Wear shoes for the walk to the beach.

The beach is located on Red Road [Highway 137] immediately south of the 19-mile marker. ... Kehena is popular with Puna locals. Here you can enjoy a day at the beach, with the option of hanging out nude with other like-minded folks. Public nudity is illegal in Hawaii, but this beach, located at the far end of Puna, is rarely visited by police. They have recently begun an on again-off again patrol of the parking area, but do not hassle those on the beach seeking full sun exposure.

For those not inclined to full expose, sunbathing and swimming in suits will not make you stand out. There is always a mixed crowd of nude and clothed and neither group seems to mind the other.

gallery of photos of Kehena Beach (
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 12:20:43 am by brandon »
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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2012, 07:20:27 am »
those hot springs look great coudnt imagine anything better in the middle of winter
nude is natural

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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2012, 11:52:58 pm »
am going to florida in aug so this list is very helpful

Be prepared for a sauna!  That is Florida then, but so many N venues to look into as well. 
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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2012, 12:24:41 am »
No Illinois..  :345

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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2012, 09:12:01 pm »
No Illinois..  :345

  • Nude sunbathing and swimming has occurred at Illinois Beach State Park, 1.6 km (one mile) south of the park headquarters building, at the end of the beach.
  • Until 1995, nude night swimming occurred at Oak Street Beach in Chicago and other beaches on Lake Michigan[citation needed], prior to its elimination by police patrols.
  • Blue Lake Resort is a family oriented nudist park located in Erie, Il, in the Rock River Valley of Northwestern Illinois, 30 miles (48 km) northeast of the Quad City area (Moline, Rock Island and Davenport). approximately 20 acres (8.1 ha) of sunny and shaded areas situated amid 98 acres (39.7 ha) of farm land. The camp facilities are approved by the State of Illinois each year.[56]   
  • Blue Lake Resort - A family oriented nudist park located in the Rock River Valley of northwestern Illinois. Includes a photographic tour of the resort and details of membership.
  • Couples Playhouse Nudist Retreat, near Aurora, Illinois hosts nudists events on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They feature indoor and out pools and hot tubs. There is sand and water volleyball, as well as a huge tanning deck. A nice buffet is included. A good selection of lawn sports are provided. Lake, IncPO Box 13
Erie, IL 61250
Phone: (309) 659-9297
Visit WebsiteChicago Sun ClubPOB 133
Wasco, IL 60183-0133
Phone: (630) 377-3719
Visit Website | Send EmailGreat Lakes Area Natural Tans Society1507 E 53rd St Ste 852
Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: (773) 747-8093
Visit Website | Send Email


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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2012, 07:44:07 am »
great stuff  :e4444 i am heading over to the u.s later this year .
nude is natural


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Re: Brandon's Nude beach list USA
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2012, 07:21:41 am »
There are so many beaches in Hawaii that are perfect for skinny-dipping from - they're very small and out of the way, but I don't go to Hawaii to hang out with big crowds anyway. Just walk a while in a less populated area and you can find one. Last time I was in Hana I went skinny-dipping almost every night at this perfect beach 10 minutes from the place we rented. Paradise is more paradisiacal when you're naked, non?