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Offline anakyn

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« on: January 03, 2019, 07:44:55 am »
Estonia is a wonderful and green country.
Lots of saunas and spa, and usually are clothing free. The ones who use swimsuits are the prude tourists, because Estonian people are very comfortable with nudism, kids and grownups together.
Also in the swimming pools where the swimsuit is mandatory, in the locker rooms everybody goes around and take showers nude; this should be normal, but unfortunately it's not in many countries, especially with kids around.
In the last part of the big city beach, Pirita, it's possible sunbathing nude and skinnydipping (even if the Baltic sea is cold as hell  :rotfl2:).
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 07:54:47 am by anakyn »

Offline artmat

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 08:59:23 pm »
I live in Estonia, and I can say that only half of your words are true

Offline anakyn

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2019, 04:06:33 pm »
I live in Estonia, and I can say that only half of your words are true

Hi, that's what I saw directly and learnt when I lived there (almost 6 months in 3 years), but please, tell me where I'm wrong.

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2019, 09:45:38 pm »
Pirita beach has a very small area for nudism, closer to the forest, and only on very hot days can you meet naked like-minded people. Usually there is no one there. There are about 300 meters of the official nudist sea beach in Pärnu. This is a historic "beach for ladies", so there are few men or families with children. In Tartu, where I live, there is a very small piece of the river beach - but even in hot weather there are no more than 10 nudists. However, this is enough to play pétanque sometimes))
As for saunas and pools, I recommend to go to Finland - it is really not customary to go into a sauna or a shower in swimming trunks there. Never. I saw how even 10-13 year old teenagers disciplinedly take their swimming trunks when they wash themselves in the shower. In a sauna it is unthinkable to meet someone in swimming trunks - it is simply impolite in Finland. Helsinki has a large and popular pool, where you can and should swim naked. But the schedule of visits is separate - for men and women.

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2019, 01:28:48 am »
, this is enough to play pétanque sometimes))

Outside of the nudist community, has anyone actually encountered pentaque or pickleball?

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2019, 02:27:42 pm »
As for saunas and pools, I recommend to go to Finland - it is really not customary to go into a sauna or a shower in swimming trunks there. Never. I saw how even 10-13 year old teenagers disciplinedly take their swimming trunks when they wash themselves in the shower. In a sauna it is unthinkable to meet someone in swimming trunks - it is simply impolite in Finland. Helsinki has a large and popular pool, where you can and should swim naked. But the schedule of visits is separate - for men and women.

All true. There are signs on the walls that forbid wearing swimsuits in saunas.

Offline artmat

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2019, 08:15:04 pm »
As for saunas and pools, I recommend to go to Finland - it is really not customary to go into a sauna or a shower in swimming trunks there. Never. I saw how even 10-13 year old teenagers disciplinedly take their swimming trunks when they wash themselves in the shower. In a sauna it is unthinkable to meet someone in swimming trunks - it is simply impolite in Finland. Helsinki has a large and popular pool, where you can and should swim naked. But the schedule of visits is separate - for men and women.

All true. There are signs on the walls that forbid wearing swimsuits in saunas.

We also have such signs in Estonian saunas. But this does not stop visitors to the water park, for example, who use the same sauna in the men's shower as pool visitors, to go to the sauna in disgusting shorts soaked in bleach.

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Re: Estonia
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2019, 08:58:21 pm »
As for saunas and pools, I recommend to go to Finland - it is really not customary to go into a sauna or a shower in swimming trunks there. Never. I saw how even 10-13 year old teenagers disciplinedly take their swimming trunks when they wash themselves in the shower. In a sauna it is unthinkable to meet someone in swimming trunks - it is simply impolite in Finland. Helsinki has a large and popular pool, where you can and should swim naked. But the schedule of visits is separate - for men and women.

All true. There are signs on the walls that forbid wearing swimsuits in saunas.

We also have such signs in Estonian saunas. But this does not stop visitors to the water park, for example, who use the same sauna in the men's shower as pool visitors, to go to the sauna in disgusting shorts soaked in bleach.

I share your disgust. I don't think I haven't seen that happening at the pool that I frequent. The staff leave disposable paper towels to sit on when sauna, but I don't think that would stop the chlorine from the swimsuits.