I feel like you not having access to as many photos as before might be doing you a favor. But if you want to get belligerent with other members who disagree with you, I am quite certain we can come to an arrangement that ensures you will not get into any more arguments on this forum either. And if that sounds like a thinly-veiled threat to you, that is because it is. Keep insulting other members and there will be consequences.
Wtf dude? Did you read trough that twice and still think it was a good idea to say that?
Is this how we handle conflicts on the forum? By banning and threats?
First of, I don't think we should have a gendered catagory in the gallery obviously. I strongly disagree with that.
Secondly, while I missed some of the conflict, it does appear like
@Ber might have overreacted to the negative responses he got.
But for God's sake, what are you doing if not over reacting? STOP.
@Octavia s response to this thread is great. Why can't you be more like her? She apologized for over reacting and stood up for her standpoint. As one should. While you try to humiliate a child and threatwn him.
@Ber i wanna say, please don't leave the forum because of this. I know you'll want to but it'll get worked out. So hang on.
So basically:
@Ber created a poll asking if people wanted the gallery to be sortable by gender.
He received alot of negative answers to the idea. Along with that some people called him a creep, sexist and other personal attacks (instead of arguing against the idea)
@Ber obviously got angry at people calling him stuff and retaliated. Furthermore he pointed out that alot of sexist/sexualizing comments in the gallery was made by women.
The mods/mod decided that he probably was a creep and removed his gallery access.
Am I correct or did I miss something?
I think this entire thing is going way out of hand. I frankly blame the mods, removing his gallery access due to a conflict onyl adds fuel to the flame. You know this.
As far as I Know,
@Ber hasn't made any sexual comments in the gallery. So his ban from there obviously comes from him having a suggestion.
I think the conflict regarding the suggestion should have been it's own thing and not in itself led to a ban. Creating this bigger conflict.