General Talk (primarily non-naturist) > The Sports Bar!
Chess problems!
I love chess. I would like to post a weekly chess problems for the game lovers!
Our first challenge! Black to move and win in 3 movements:
K2R3R/1PqbB1P1/P3pP2/1nPp4/5b1P/p6p/kpQ5/8 w 0-1
Bloody hell! I could never plan three moves in advance. I took it one at a time
Bishop to c6
Hope I visualized the moves right:
Black: Queen B7
White: King B7
Black: Bishop to C6
White: King to B6 OR King to C8
If white moves King to B6:
Black: Bishop to C7 and Checkmate
If white moves King to C8:
Black: Horse to A7 and Checkmate
Hmm think you’ll have to arrange a game with me somehow but go easy on me I’m out if practice and was always beginner level
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