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Toplessness allowed in Edmonton pools

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Surprised but pleased at this move in conservative Alberta

Well this is interesting. Berlin and Edmonton. Looks like there’s hope for the human race after all and I thought we were all going backwards

It's such a basic equality thing yet so many people are offended by it

And then we have this in Australia

Terrigal towel dance: Nudity ban in Central Coast change rooms

Fifteen surf lifesaving clubs across the Central Coast are planning to ban nudity in their change rooms and one former member of Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club, where the policy is already instated, was sent a letter of warning after rinsing off in the showers fresh from an ocean swim.

“The Terrigal Surf Club has received a report advising that you have breached the no-nudity clause that can be found in the Child Safe Policy,” reads a letter sent to Nada Pantle by the club last month.

Signs installed in the Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club change rooms.

“The board has advised members that the club is a family-friendly environment and at that [sic] nudity is not acceptable as per the Child Safe Policy.”

Pantle told the ABC she felt “body-shamed” by the letter, which has kicked off a storm of discussion about whether nudity is appropriate in the beachside club change rooms.

“They didn’t say what I did or who had made a complaint, but it sort of implied I’d done something almost sexual,” Pantle said.

“At some point, you’ve got to take your clothes off to get your other clothes on. That’s why we have change rooms.”

Pantle has since left the club.

Signs that say “No Nudity in Change Rooms: If you are caught breaching this Rule you will be called before the clubs disciplinary committee” were installed after children and parents complained that nudity in the change rooms made them uncomfortable, said Surf Life Saving Central Coast CEO Jon Harkness.

“The change rooms are very small. In the men’s change room there are three showers in a row. If three adult men were side by side in that shower they’d be very up against each other, if you know what I mean,” Harkness said.

“There’s been numerous incidents where young people have felt uncomfortable. It’s quite intimidating.
We’re merely asking for modesty.”

Some parents complained in writing to the club and others commented that the nudity is “a bit weird”.

Surf Life Saving Australia’s policy already says children should not be exposed to adult nudity. But the ban on nudity altogether at Terrigal – which will be taken up by all 15 clubs on the Central Coast – extends existing precautions.

“We’re asking that people come out of the ocean, rinse in the shower in their cossies, and get changed under their towel,” Harkness said.

He added renovations were being planned for Terrigal to create proper cubicles in the change room.

There are 949 members of the Terrigal club and 362 are under the age of 14.

“They need to be able to use those facilities after training and feel safe,” Harkness said. “Child welfare and young people’s welfare is too important to play around with.”

Harkness said enforcing the policy relied on members “self-reporting” nudity in the change rooms and that only one letter of warning threatening disciplinary action had been sent by the club.

Surf Life Saving NSW said it supported Terrigal’s decision to ban nudity and that the club had written to its members and held a Q&A to inform them of the policy.

@Jen that's fucking ridicolous. How can people be that stupid. Hope there is some backlash.


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