Has anyone from here played Metal Gear Online 2 that came with MGS4 (ps3)? I played this an embarrassing amount from 2009-2012, and to this day, no other online shooter has even come close to it. With MGS5, they "westernized" the online play (for lack of a better word) but it was just terrible compared to MGO2.
The official servers for MGO2 were shut down in June of 2012 (almost 11 years ago to the day), but a small group of people with a lot of technical know-how were able to revive the game for play (albeit in a primativevform) on a private server if you had a jailbroken PS3. Over time, they got the game playable on non-jailbroken PS3s...I played the revival a bit in 2018 and again in 2020. Then just recently got the urge to play again so I checked in to see if people still even played it.
Well, not only do people still play it, but the team that revived it now has a totally playable version for PC, and it is cross-play compatible with PS3 users. Truly incredible the amount of work that was put into this project. They even created new online maps from different locations within MGS4 that were never in the original online.
So why revive a 10+ year old game and go to this much effort to keep it alive? Well like I said, this shooter was online any other that has been created, and to many like myself, it holds a very special place in our hearts from when we played it 10+ years ago.
If anyone is interested, I highly recommend giving it a try. Just keep in mind it was originally a ps3 game...the graphics aren't anywhere near the level of modern games, however the gameplay is what really sets this game apart from anything else.