Upgrade Notice: Bookmarks, Attachments, and the Gallery.

Started by Tactic, January 16, 2025, 02:52:03 PM

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Hello wonderful community!

We have previously posted about upcoming changes to the forum, including the removal of bookmarked posts and private message attachments. As the team is currently planning the forum upgrade, we urge you to save these and any other files you might have hosted on the forum. As part of the upgrade, we will have to be selective as to which files from the 10-year history of the forum will be migrated over. And we have unfortunately made the decision that these will not be copied over for privacy and security reasons.

The full announcement and details on the removal of bookmarks and message attachments can be read here:

Additional changes to the Gallery
We are still debating if and how the gallery will come back on the new forum. But as the gallery software is severely outdated and not supported by the newest version of the forum, and we do not yet have a migration plan for a new gallery, we can not currently guarantee that gallery uploads will be brought back on the new site. If you have uploaded anything to the gallery that you do not want to get lost in the upgrade, please ensure you have a local copy of the file.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the site upgrade, please post in the following thread:

Got a question or need help with the forum? Send me a message :)


Shiden Kai San

Question:   I saw that attachments will go bye bye so it's best to save anything you like now.  Will individual account PM history also go bye bye, or will that transfer over to the new platform? 


Quote from: Shiden Kai San on January 16, 2025, 04:49:45 PM
Question:   I saw that attachments will go bye bye so it's best to save anything you like now.  Will individual account PM history also go bye bye, or will that transfer over to the new platform? 

The message history will be left intact, and private messages will continue to work as normal.
Got a question or need help with the forum? Send me a message :)

Shiden Kai San


Will the new forum be a more minimalistic type of style?


Wären Menschen dazu bestimmt, nackt zu sein, dann wären sie nackt geboren worden.
Oscar Wilde

If humans were meant to be naked, they would have been born naked.
Oscar Wilde


At this time, we are not planning to move away from SMF as that would entail potentially losing even more data. The new version of SMF should also improve user experience in several areas.
Please send me a message on the forum before contacting me over IM. For best results, also mention what you want to talk about, I am not much of a smalltalker.


The gallery have really nice arts so I vote to keep it !
I'm always ok to chat just write to me !