Howdy y'all!

Started by dingzzz, January 23, 2025, 04:30:40 AM

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Hello everybody! I'm Daniel, I'm 20 and well... I'm not very used to present myself  :blank: but anyways, I'm from Phoenix and I'm a naturist since April 2022, not that much. I like to be open-minded and try new things (like nudism! heheh) tbh I kinda felt lonely so that's why I'm here, specially bc I feel that nobody understand my nudity and there's no much that I can do at this point. I like to be a chill guy and do chill stuff, like read random stuff I find on the web :'P


Hey man and welcome front the UK
Pm me I'll always reply

Shiden Kai San

Welcome!   One things for sure, you live in an area where I feel like nudity is damn near required to survive.  Even indoors.  :)


Hello and welcome here !
I'm always ok to chat just write to me !





19y Germany boy new to nudism. looking for nice contacts. Open for DMs and Chats!



Hello and welcome to the group!

Phoenix seems is a great place to be a nudist, with the abundance of sunshine and hot weather!



Welcome to the forums. How did you find naturism?
The human body is a beutiful gift and a treasure more valuable than any gold in the world.


Hi Daniel! Welcome to the forum. What are some of your hobbies?


blank radar

welcome to the forum, but in a new and unique way that no one else has said somehow!