Interviews! Karla and Stuart, the Legends of the Village!

Started by Administration, August 23, 2010, 03:24:06 AM

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It is our 6th interview and this one has been long awaited!  

Get your questions into us now, at

Joining the village, soon after the doors were opened, were Karla and Stuart of Scotland, of the Naked Munro fame.  They were both asked to be on the administration staff the minute they took up residence and both blessed us with agreeing.  You can find their names on the Staff list at the top of the main page.  

A bit of background:

Karla has been featured on our front page several times and will again, with her permission of course.  She and Stuart represent the total epitome of what Free Range Naturism is about and are in keeping with the true root of the lifestyle and belief.  

Karlas posts in the forum are many and always read.  She is a moderator of the Cyber Cafe section and is extremely well educated.  You can see Karlas posts from this link.;u=216;sa=showPosts

Her profile is here.

Stuart, is Karlas partner and is renowned for his sense of humour, wit, and thought.  He is also a fine photographer and in the member galleries, you will see his (and Karla's) latest examples.  

His profile is here.  

His posts, are all here and we are sure most on here have enjoyed having their day brighter.  He holds the distinction of never been beaten with a limerick challenge, by the way!

You can also find out more about them from the article written here.,685.0.html

They are legends in every sense of the word.

So, get your questions in please as quick as you can as this interview will be conducted together and individual.

Once again,

Karla and Stuart, Our Free Range Founders!    



Currently waiting on the interview to be completed by K and S.  Just an update to those that were asking.
Top-free Equality. Its a right, not a privilege!


The interview is posted in the Dorm Interview section and this morning, I added a little flavoUr with a youtube video!
Top-free Equality. Its a right, not a privilege!


Quote from: Danee on July 21, 2011, 11:48:35 AM
The interview is posted in the Dorm Interview section and this morning, I added a little flavoUr with a youtube video!

Aaaargghh!!! You had to post that video a week before I leave Scotland for Germany! Its painful to watch!

Then I remembered it looks like that about four days a year. I also had a quick look at the annual weather patterns in Bavaria. I can't wait to get there!


The video is banned in Germany for fishy copyright/licensing reasons, so do not worry about getting homesick.
Please send me a message on the forum before contacting me over IM. For best results, also mention what you want to talk about, I am not much of a smalltalker.


Quote from: Delta on July 21, 2011, 01:05:39 PM
The video is banned in Germany for fishy copyright/licensing reasons, so do not worry about getting homesick.

For reasons of mercy!