Sounds to me like the editor is just viewing the situation through his own preference. Kids today don't rush to get driver's license for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with transmission type. There is the cost of fuel nowdays that keep a lot of kids from owning cars. Most kids in the USA drink or use some form of drug and the laws are so severe now that no one wants to get caught and getting pullled over greatly increases the likelihood of that happening.
Then you have a chunk of kids that view cars as environmental nightmares and don't want to contribute to the carbon footprint. Also more and more kids live in large cities where there is public transportation and not only don't have a need for car but would find owning one a detriment. I know that in Chicago parking is hard to come by people often choose housing based not on the living space but on available parking that comes with it.
As mentioned before the economy sucks big time and even here in this small town that I live in you never see a kid mowing a lawn. It's all adults trying to make it on what was once teen jobs. If you notice even fast food places the average employee is now over 20.
Also this editor has no idea of the impact of social media. Kids would literally perfer to interact in most cases online then getting off the computer and doing it in person. Even when you go to a bar you will see a group sitting together
drinking a beer and all be on their smart phones with only an occasional word to those they are with.
Ah....ok that turned into quite a rant.....