Federation: Fédération Francaise de Naturisme
Abbreviation: FFN Federation
Full Name: Maison du Naturisme - FFN,
Street: 5, rue Regnault
Postal Code: F- 93500 Pantin
Phone: +33 8 9269 32 82 +
Fax: +33 1 4845 59 05
Email: fedenat@ffn-naturisme.org
http://www.ffn-naturisme.com/ The main site in English:
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ffn-naturisme.com%2F&sl=fr&tl=en&history_state0=This is the official site for all things Naturist in France. It is a huge site, with so many links it is impossible to list them all. French Naturism, is about famlies, its about normal routine and with a boast of many of the worlds finest Naturist resorts, campgrounds, and beaches, there simply is none better. Have a look for yourself and see why hundreds of Naturists from all over the world go to France to discover what it offers and come home in wonder of the land and people of Naturism at its best! They have an active youth group, and accentuate fitness as they should! France! program)
-Check out the Living Naturism map in the middle. Immense!
-Check out some of the resorts and campgrounds, such as this one: