Hey Village!
In the last two days we have seen a few incredibly strong people come over and join us, as many have over the last few months, from the FKK forum. Included in that group, are some moderators from that fine community. (see the German section in the Links to Organisations for the link to their site).
We believe it in the best interest of all concerned and newbies to follow, that we ask those newbies from that forum, who were establised and moderators over there, to be addtions to our team. They have accepted and we are blessed by having them join us.
Joining the Moderation team are:Sara (
Who will be a local moderator in the Girls section, as well as a mod of the German section, and a general Global moderator at large, and our youth moderator in General. Full powers are on her, so be nice!
Tamara (
Tam comes with much experience and is from Austria. She is a real fkk naturist along with her fine husband and we look forward to her helping and guiding us. She also has the local moderator badge as well as that of Global Moderator.
Daniela (
Daniela is the kids mod over on fkk and brings that experience here as well. She will be great in all areas, as will Sara and we really are happy she accepted the position. The Girls section, the gallery approval of uploads, the German section, these are the prime areas of Daniela and Sara but they are both Global Moderators at large as well.
Now, the question arises. Do we think that there will be some other changes and perhaps some existing moderators stepping down due to other priorities?
We do, actually and we understand that as its a busy job this responsiblity! And they will take on the rank of advisor to the staff as they are founders after all, and highly cherished but our staff must be active to an extent and must be here to help out and guide and all that other stuff that is about this village of ours. So, some changes will no doubt occur but nothing negative, just a changing of the guard as we protect and nourish.
Now, some big news! You all know that we have asked for a new person or existing one to come on and be of assistance with a tech board and to that end, today, our lovely
cjkoneho (
http://internationalyn.org/forum/index.php/topic,609.0.html) has stepped to the plate and already, she is fast on the keyboard getting her new area sparkling and ready to take your questions.
http://internationalyn.org/forum/index.php/board,70.0.html is the place for her Cafe!
So, thats all for now but we hope these additions will enhance your community and make it a safe and fun place to be!
As always, if any questions, please contact a staff member at the top of the page on the link, or simply drop a suggestion into the suggestion area!
http://internationalyn.org/forum/index.php/board,54.0.html-Your adiministration team