Panorama - Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed

Started by chrisw91, June 01, 2011, 10:35:38 PM

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I was just wondering if anybody watched this. I heard about it today so now I am watching it on catch-up. I am really struggling to watch it, I have a serious lump in my throat. Its about a care home for adults with learning difficulties, a subject that is very close to my heart, and how the 'care-workers' abuse the residance. I also heard that sometimes the staff will even plan out there attacks before hand. It makes me sick, I was just wondering if anybody else watched and what their thoughts were about what was found out in the pragramme.

Here is a newspaper article about the programme
I became aware of my destiny: to belong to the critical minority as opposed to the unquestioning majority.


The initial emotional reaction is obvious and it usually involves thoughts of killing, maiming and general violence. I know how tough people with these special needs can be to work with, but this is beyond insane and heads need to be bounced down the street at many levels.

But given the rising age demographic it scares the shit out of me. How much of this stuff will go on when there's a much larger population needing care. Recent estimates in Scotland say that the equivalent of all school leavers for the next couple of years would have to go into the social care profession to meet the needs of the next twenty years. The potential for this kind of incident to happen again will only increase.