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Princess of whales: How a naked female scientist tries to tame belugas in the freezing Arctic

Braving sub-zero temperatures, she has thrown caution — and her clothes — to the wind to tame two beluga whales in a unique and controversial experiment.

Natalia Avseenko, 36, was persuaded to strip naked as marine experts believe belugas do not like to be touched by artificial materials such as diving suits.

The skilled Russian diver took the plunge as the water temperature hit minus 1.5 degrees Centigrade.

Belugas are famed for the way in which their faces are able to convey human-like expressions. Certainly Matrena and Nilma seemed to enjoy frolicking with Natalia.

The taming of the whales happened in the Murmansk Oblast region in the far north-west of Russia at the shore of the White Sea near the Arctic Circle branch of the Utrish Dophinarium.
An area of the sea is enclosed  to stop whales and dolphins getting out and instructors tame the mammals before they are transported to dolphinariums around the world — a practice many animal conservationists consider cruel.

Belugas have a small hump on their heads used for echo-location and it was thought that there would be more chance of striking up a rapport with them without clothes as a barrier.

Full story at:

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How brave she is! Kudos to her!

All these pics are extremely stunning and beautiful!

A nova geração.

Offline Historybuff83

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I think I'm getting shrinking just from the thought of jumping into that cold of water....


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She is f-ing amazing. I mean, what better what to communicate with nature than be natural? She's also a beautiful woman. Grant it with beauty comes craziness because that water is COLD. Kudos for her having the balls (or lack thereof) to do something like that.


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Wow... she definitely deserves the title "princess of wales"
Amazing lady, much respect for her!


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Wow... she definitely deserves the title "princess of wales"

Wales isn't that cold  :3456


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Wales isn't that cold  :3456

There you have it, I forget one letter and it gets "rubbed under my nose"...
I meant whales Mr. Stuart, with the "h"!

Offline Fitz1980

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I LOVE to swim naked but you would have to pay me a lot of money to get me to do it in water that cold.

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My balls have sucked up inside of me just thinking about it.
Trying to unite the lost naked souls of the world. Feel free to PM if you wanna reach out. I love meeting new people.

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There was a news report about Natalia and her work on a tv show today here in Brazil, and she gave some statements about it:,,MUL1668261-15605,00.html
A nova geração.

Offline SecretlytruenudeM92

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Incredible...Oh this...this brings back memories... She is one of the luckiest people in the world to do this. I can say from experience that having the chance to swim with wales, dolphins and other such creatures is a phenominal privalege. Anyone who gets the chance to swim with a whale or other large marine animal, clothed or otherwise, in warm or cold water should jump in without hesitation. I did.

Before my family fell apart my mom and dad booked a trip to the San Diego Sea World, they let me participate in the "Trainer for a Day" program. I got to go in before everyone else, went on a "back stage" tour of the facitlity, and got to suit up and meet the dolphins and whales up close and in person. Yes the water is salty and ball biting cold, however the wet suits help a little. If I had no wet suit I would still jump at the chance for another swim with dolphins and whales. That said I do not resent the temp at all, that's how thrilling this is. The protective layer of bluber marine animals have also serves to hide the tremendous POWER of their muscles, they don't just jump out of the water by being hydrodynamic, these 400-600 Lb. dolphins and multi-ton whales utilize strength that makes Arnold Schwarzenegger seem like a Barbie doll to swim through the water and jump out of it. When you get to hold on to these creatures the best I can describe the feeling is like trying to hold on to a water ski tether under water. The fact that all that power comes from a living creature only adds to the feeling of ripping through the water on the back of a mighty beast. Man that was AWESOME, I will NEVER forget it. When I have an actual desktop or laptop computer I will upload the digital photo copies of this adventure to the gallery. Stay tuned!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 04:35:47 am by SecretlytruenudeM92 »
The greatest danger for humanity lies not in aiming too high and falling short, but in aiming too low and achieving our mark.


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an amazing adventure... clothed or not..

okay, she is showing up the guys on shore....  she should have turned around and said, " who's next".

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I am just mesmerised by the pictures. Stunning!!  :432
I became aware of my destiny: to belong to the critical minority as opposed to the unquestioning majority.


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Incredible...Oh this...this brings back memories... She is one of the luckiest people in the world to do this. I can say from experience that having the chance to swim with wales, dolphins and other such creatures is a phenominal privalege. Anyone who gets the chance to swim with a whale or other large marine animal, clothed or otherwise, in warm or cold water should jump in without hesitation. I did.

Before my family fell apart my mom and dad booked a trip to the San Diego Sea World, they let me participate in the "Trainer for a Day" program. I got to go in before everyone else, went on a "back stage" tour of the facitlity, and got to suit up and meet the dolphins and whales up close and in person. Yes the water is salty and ball biting cold, however the wet suits help a little. If I had no wet suit I would still jump at the chance for another swim with dolphins and whales. That said I do not resent the temp at all, that's how thrilling this is. The protective layer of bluber marine animals have also serves to hide the tremendous POWER of their muscles, they don't just jump out of the water by being hydrodynamic, these 400-600 Lb. dolphins and multi-ton whales utilize strength that makes Arnold Schwarzenegger seem like a Barbie doll to swim through the water and jump out of it. When you get to hold on to these creatures the best I can describe the feeling is like trying to hold on to a water ski tether under water. The fact that all that power comes from a living creature only adds to the feeling of ripping through the water on the back of a mighty beast. Man that was AWESOME, I will NEVER forget it. When I have an actual desktop or laptop computer I will upload the digital photo copies of this adventure to the gallery. Stay tuned!

Wow, you are so lucky you had a chance to experience this! I have had the chance to swim in the ocean with some pretty amazing and beautiful animals while scuba diving. To be in their world; even for short periods of time is so amazing!