I have been watching quite a few movies this weekend but one that really got my attention was the revenge-flick Bedevilled. It is a Korean film about a young mother who lives on a remote island near Seoul, and is abused by her husband. It starts off with a pretty, city girl having a stressful time at work and is ordered to have a vacation by her boss. She takes this opportunity to visit her dysfunctional country cousin of hers who she hasnt seen since childhood. When she gets there she realises that her cousin is constantly abused by her husband and everyone else on the small island. Although it can be hard to watch at times it is incredibly well written, acted and directed. It is great seeing each charecter enter the story (and there aren't many) and also watching the plot develop slowly but brilliantly. And if you have the patience (and the stomach) to see it through to the end then horror fans will love the killing streak towards the end when the abused woman finally breaks.