International Young Naturists Organisation

General Talk (primarily non-naturist) => Pitti's Book Club => Topic started by: Romain Ferré on September 18, 2016, 08:52:02 am

Title: Barjavel "The Ice People"
Post by: Romain Ferré on September 18, 2016, 08:52:02 am
I want to talk about my "Bible", my favourite book, I think the best french sci-fi book in this world : "The Ice people " (french: "La Nuit des Temps") from the french author René Barjavel in 1968. The story takes place in Antarctica, in a french scientific station. Scientists discover ruins of a lost Civilization and two nude people in cryogenic conservation: the survivors of the mysterous ruins... We can see in this book, the civilization was superior than our modern culture : for example the nudity and decency :

"Mais chacun en était boulversé profondément dans son esprit et dans sa chair, et, en se retrouvant tout à coup dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, il n'osait plus regarder son voisin qui, lui-même, détournait les yeux. Ils avaient honte. Honte de leur pudeur et honte de leur honte. La merveilleuse, la totale innocence d'Eléa leur montrait à quel point la civilisation chrétienne -- depuis Saint Paul et non depuis le Christ-- perverti en les condamnant les joies les plus belles que Dieu ait donné à l'homme. Ils se sentaient tous, même les plus jeunes, pareils à de petits vieillards salaces, impuissants et voyeurs."

"But each was deeply upsets in his mind and in his flesh , and , finding himself suddenly in the world today , he dared not look at his neighbor , himself, looked away . They were ashamed . Ashamed of their decency and ashamed of their shame . The wonderful , the total Elea's innocence  showed them how Christian civilization - from St. Paul and not from the Christ-- perverted condemning the most beautiful joys that God has given to man. They all felt , even the youngest , like little dirty old men, helpless and voyeurs."