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Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Hi everyone!
« Last post by vocalnutria on Today at 07:06:05 pm »
Hello and welcome to the group!
thanks <3
Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Hi everyone!
« Last post by Naturalguy87 on Today at 06:36:49 pm »
Hello and welcome to the group!
Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Stuck on the tutorial
« Last post by Naturalguy87 on Today at 06:34:44 pm »
Hello and welcome to the group!
FAQ and Information! / Re: What's the point of gallery?
« Last post by Jc_wolfie on Today at 01:37:03 pm »
IMO, it’s not about looking at bodies. It’s about looking at the lifestyle and people enjoying living.

I know with me, I really don’t see people naked. It’s just natural. When I took my girls to a resort for their first time this summer, it was their first time being nude outside of the house. My oldest was a little shy at first but quickly realized everyone there has the same mentality. She even said how she felt 100% comfortable and can’t wait to go back!
FAQ and Information! / Re: gallery
« Last post by Jc_wolfie on Today at 01:31:40 pm »
seems there is not a way to “like” something in the gallery, i only see a way to comment? i haven’t seen much of it but there’s some pics that deserve a like. i haven’t spent much time in the gallery after hearing about others getting kicked out for being in the gallery too much. if i were to post something in the gallery i would want to see if anyone liked it or commented or even viewed it but i ain’t tryna get kicked out for checking on my own pic
It is not so much about bein in there too much, but about not being anywhere else. We just do not want to risk people just being here to look at nude bodies, so if someone regularly comes to visit the gallery and never participates in the forum, that gets them kicked out. As long as you are active on the forum, you would need to do something like leave very inappropriate comments to be shown the door.

I’m looking forward to getting my gallery access. I’m sure it will all remind me of when I was younger—a happier time in my life for sure. But getting back into the lifestyle after years of not being able to be who I want to be, I’m glad to relive my life with my daughters.
FAQ and Information! / Re: age?
« Last post by Jc_wolfie on Today at 01:28:12 pm »
My oldest is 13 and when she is 14 I’m going to encourage her to join. This is great and I’m sure she’ll love to connect with other teens who share this lifestyle too!
Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Hi everyone!
« Last post by Jc_wolfie on Today at 12:50:07 pm »

Glad we could be part of your return!

Thank you!  I wish forums like this were around when I was younger! 
Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Hello naked friends!
« Last post by maxebers123 on Today at 12:14:43 pm »
Welcome to the forum :)
Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Hey, Chat!
« Last post by Fred738 on Today at 11:53:04 am »
Hello, welcome here
Introductions (Mandatory) / Re: Stuck on the tutorial
« Last post by Nudielad on Today at 11:11:47 am »
Hi and a big  :welcome3 to our community,

I do hope that you will enjoy your stay here and hopefully you will learn something you never knew about the nudist/naturist lifestyle. There are lots different and posts to explore so there is bound to be something here for you to get involved with.

If you should have any problems or questions please refer to this handy FAQ;,110.0.html

Anything that you should need answering can be found in there. If you are still in doubt don't hesitate to contact one of our brilliant moderator team and I'm sure they will be glad to assist.

Enough chat, have fun, get involved and welcome once again to this thriving community!

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